Why Do People Believe in Weather Control theory ?
Will you believe it too after seeing the facts ?
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Weather control conspiracy theories: scientifically unjustifiable .
Major disasters attract major attention. Whenever a plane crashes or a hurricane makes landfall, the event draws international news coverage and countless internet postings. Most of the time, people take experts at face value when they try to explain the science behind why a certain event happened, but for a small and vocal segment of society, the “truth” is hardly that at all. Enter the conspiracy theorists.
No matter how silly or factually incorrect they seem, conspiracy theories represent a very real strain of thought. Most of these theories involve politics – President John F. Kennedy’s assassination is perhaps the most famous example – or other seemingly curious events, such as the “Roswell UFO incident” back in 1947. But some of these theories challenge very basic science.
The two main weather control conspiracy theories revolve around the thought that the United States government controls the weather through a technology called HAARP, as well as airplane-produced “chemtrails.”
HAARP, an acronym for High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, is a large array of high frequency radio antennas located in Gakona, Alaska. The program and all associated antenna equipment, which was forced to shut down and go on hiatus this past May due to sequestration, was funded by the Air Force, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and the University of Alaska.
The purpose of HAARP was to determine how the ionosphere, or the upper layers of the atmosphere, affects radio signals, with the ultimate goal of helping to develop more advanced radio communication technology. The project accomplished this by transmitting “a 3.6 MW signal, in the 2.8–10 MHz region of the HF (high-frequency) band, into the ionosphere,” which was then studied by various instruments on the ground to see how the ionosphere affected these radio communications.
Conspiracy theorists beg to differ. A quick Google search (which returns over 7,000,000 hits) shows that HAARP has been blamed for pretty much everything bad that’s happened since the mid-1990s – terrorist attack, car accidents, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, nightmares, toothaches, bad dates, you name it – but the project is most popularly associated with its alleged “weather control” capabilities.
Related: Killing killer tornadoes before they strike: Is it possible?

HAARP blurs the pic taken through the satellite in 2006
Related: Killing killer tornadoes before they strike: Is it possible?
Several popular for-profit websites claim that they have hardware that can detect HAARP-generated energy across the contiguous United States and that severe weather will occur where these “hot spots” show up on their detectors. I’ve made a point of clicking over to these HAARP weather websites near several predicted severe weather outbreaks this year, and found that the so-called HAARP activity maps always show up a few hours after the weather models are run and the Storm Prediction Center releases their latest forecasts.
Funny, that.
Before the project was suspended due to lack of funds, the University of Alaska ran HAARP’s official website, but the website no longer works as of early August. The site had the array’s exact address (Google Maps even shows that the array is located off of “H.A.A.R.P. Access Road”), pictures, information, and even several 24/7 webcams focused on the arrays with a beautiful view of the mountains in the background. The large amount of openness surrounding HAARP takes the wind out the argument that the government conducted this project in secret, like many HAARP theorists assert.
HAARP can easily control the weather. While the frequencies are high powered, it doesn’t have nearly enough energy to do anything over the Lower 48, let alone specifically target communities for destruction like one would see in a science fiction movie. Both common sense and a basic understanding of meteorology debunk the conspiracy theory surrounding HAARP’s alleged ability to control the weather. But what about something closer to home; say, right above us?
Contrails, short for condensation trails, form when the hot, moist exhaust from aircraft flying at high altitudes condenses when it meets the extremely cold upper atmosphere and forms a long, narrow cirrus cloud. Contrails can make for a beautiful sky, especially during sunrise or sunset, and are indicative of particularly cold air aloft. Contrails are harmless (as they consist of water vapor) and tend to stick around for minutes or hours, depending on how favorable the atmosphere is for sustaining such clouds.
Conspiracy theorists, however, call these innocuous contrails something more sinister – “chemtrails.”
They believe that contrails are really trails of chemicals (hence the name) sprayed by aircraft for nefarious purposes, usually to control the weather, make us sick, control our minds, or cause general mischief.
The idea that aircraft that produce contrails are really spraying “chemtrails” is preposterous on its face. Airlines mostly operate based on the weight of the aircraft. The weight of the passengers, cargo, and luggage onboard is crucial for both determining how much fuel is onboard, which ultimately determines how much they pay to fill the tanks, as well as the balance of the aircraft in flight. If the plane is too heavy or the weight is distributed incorrectly, it could crash.

They believe that contrails are really trails of chemicals (hence the name) sprayed by aircraftSome people who believe in the chemtrail conspiracy theories also swear by spraying distilled vinegar up in the air, claiming that the vinegar ascends thousands of feet in just minutes to neutralize a sky full of these wispy clouds. A quick search of “chemtrail” and “vinegar” on YouTube brings up over 3,800 hilarious videos of people seriously trying this.The chemtrail theorists actually have more historical footing than their HAARP counterparts.
Many governments and institutions across the world have experimented with cloud seeding over the last 70 or so years with the intention of forcing clouds to produce rain or to keep them from producing severe weather, with varying reports of how well these efforts have succeeded. Precipitation forms when water condenses or freezes around a nucleus (a speck of dust, sand, or even small bugs) and liquid builds up on this newly-formed droplet.
Cloud seeding efforts seek to provide this nucleus around which water can condense and ultimately lead to the production of precipitation.Some people who believe in the chemtrail conspiracy theories also swear by spraying distilled vinegar up in the air, claiming that the vinegar ascends thousands of feet in just minutes to neutralize a sky full of these wispy clouds. A quick search of “chemtrail” and “vinegar” on YouTube brings up over 3,800 hilarious videos of people seriously trying this.
The chemtrail theorists actually have more historical footing than their HAARP counterparts. Many governments and institutions across the world have experimented with cloud seeding over the last 70 or so years with the intention of forcing clouds to produce rain or to keep them from producing severe weather, with varying reports of how well these efforts have succeeded. Precipitation forms when water condenses or freezes around a nucleus (a speck of dust, sand, or even small bugs) and liquid builds up on this newly-formed droplet.
Cloud seeding efforts seek to provide this nucleus around which water can condense and ultimately lead to the production of precipitation.It was a seasonably chilly afternoon in 1974 when Senators Claiborne Pell, a Democrat from Rhode Island, and Clifford Case, a Republican from New Jersey, strode into the chambers of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations for a classified briefing. While the meeting was labeled "top secret," the topic at hand was rather mundane: They were there to discuss the weather.More specifically,
Pell, the chairman of the now-defunct subcommittee for Oceans and International Environment, and his colleague were about to learn the true extent of a secret five-year-old cloud seeding operation meant to lengthen the monsoon season in Vietnam, destabilize the enemy, and allow the United States to win the war.Though it cycled through several names in its history, "Operation Popeye" stuck. Its stated objective—to ensure Americans won the Vietnam War—was never realized, but the revelation that the U.S. government played God with weather-altering warfare changed history.
The Nixon administration distracted, denied, and, it seems, outright lied to Congress, but enterprising reporters published damning stories about rain being used as a weapon, and the Pentagon papers dripped classified details like artificial rain. Eventually, the federal government would declassify its Popeye documents and international laws aimed at preventing similar projects would be on the books.But the public would, more or less, forget it ever happened.
Given the rise of geo-engineering projects, both from municipal governments and private companies, some experts believe Popeye is newly relevant.Most travel agents would recommend planning your visit to Vietnam roughly between the months of November and April. Prices tend to jump during the so-called high season, but it’s the only surefire way to avoid the rain. And, boy, is there rain.Between roughly May and October, the mercury rises to 90 degrees and the humidity can hit 90 percent.
Heavy with water and churned by reversing monsoon winds, the northern metropolis of Hanoi typically receives 8.2 inches of rain in July alone, while Ho Chi Minh City in the south, where the monsoon hits a little later, racks up an average 11 inches each September.
(For comparison, the southwestern state of Arizona typically gets 8.04 inches of rain in a year.)Back in the 1960s, however, Vietnam’s rainfall patterns weren’t the concern of American tourists, so much as the American military. When preliminary tests for Operation Popeye began in October 1966 under President Lyndon B. Johnson, the Vietnam War had been underway for over a decade (though still a decade away from its somber conclusion) and more than 8,000 Americans had already died.
With traditional methods failing, the U.S. government decided to look to the skies."The close monitoring of troop and truck traffic along routes where rain had fallen verified beyond any doubt the naturally adverse effects of rainfall and accumulated soil moisture on the enemy's logistic effort," Lieutenant Colonel Ed Soyster told Senators Pell and Case, according to the declassified notes from that 1974 meeting.
Operation Popeye, he continued, intended to further ruin roads, jam rivers, and extend the amount of time swathes of Vietnam weren't traversable. Cloud seeding is a method for artificially stimulating precipitation, like rain or snow.The practice is thought to have originated in 1946. While experimenting with dry ice,
Vincent Schaefer, a self-taught chemist employed by General Electric, made a big discovery. He noticed that cloud condensation nuclei—the tiny particles around which water condensates—could be artificially produced to create rain and snow. Schaefer put his discovery to the test by "seeding" the clouds over the Berkshire Mountains in Massachusetts and successfully created precipitation.
"He was hailed as the first person to actually do something about the weather and not just talk about it," the New York Times wrote in his obituary.

A Bangalore-based company Kyathi Climate Modification Consultants leads the rainmaking project in Mumbai, for example. Kyathi technicians were, in turn, trained by the North Dakota-based company Weather Modification Inc., which has had a hand in weather modification efforts from Mexico to Morocco. In recent years, Gordon says, we've also seen the move beyond privately-led weather-altering schemes to climate-altering ones. Big corporations like Shell, as well as dozens of smaller startups like Carbon Engineering, have developed and begun to implement carbon capture technology.
While these peacetime projects are all intended only to benefit the local community, they've become so widespread they could have an affect at a planetary scale. "If there's enough local weather modification," she asks, "at what point does that add up to more than the sum of its parts?"
Most of the officials involved in Operation Popeye are now dead. And while weather modification is real (and the subject of troves of scientific literature), it's also fuels endless conspiracy theories, from the Cold War-era concern that the Soviets would control the temperature of the globe to contemporary InfoWars-stoked fears of weather-wielding superpowers.
But the real concern, Gordon says, is our rapidly changing climate and its effects on global water systems.
As Cape Town stares down the end of its water supply and floods and droughts destabilize communities all over the world, she says, we're starting to "realize now how little we know about the atmosphere." New climate-altering technologies will continue to crop up. But instead of providing us with easy answers to our biggest problems, these developments should seed new questions.
The Indian goverment was secretly working with Kyathi Climate Modification to increase the amount of rain to storm and preventing rain in agricultural areas to kill more and more people but why ?

Inversion studies generally divide an assumed earthquake fault plane into numerous subfaults. The Green's functions for unit slip with delta-function time-dependence on each subfault of the rupture plane is computed and, subject to regularization, the linear combination of the Green's functions, weighted by fault displacement (slip vector) for each subfault, that gives the best overall fit to the observed data is determined, usually, but not always, as a function of time.
Most inversions analyze only seismic and/or geodetic data of large shallow subduction zone events, but tsunami waveform data, usually in conjunction with geodetic data, are also used in studies which we refer to as “tsunami inversions” (Satake and Kanamori, 1991). The Green's functions for the tsunami waveforms are calculated using an elastic model to determine the seafloor deformation for each subfault and then a long-wave model is used for the propagation of the tsunami waves.
Many studies (primarily inversions, but also some forward modeling studies) of the source mechanism of the Tohoku earthquake analyzed tsunami waveform data recorded at nearshore and offshore buoys together with other data (e.g., Fujii et al., 2011, Gusman et al., 2012, Iinuma et al., 2012, Løvholt et al., 2012, Romano et al., 2012, Grilli et al., 2013, Satake et al., 2013, Yamazaki et al., 2013); however, they all have encountered two problems.
First, they had difficulties in reproducing the concentration of elevated wave activity recorded along the Sanriku coast (notably between 39° 30′ and 40° 15′ N); second, even when inverting tsunami waveforms and using dispersive wave 40 degrees N ,they could not satisfactorily reproduce the timing and high-frequency content of tsunami waveforms recorded at the nearshore GPS buoys located in this area, as well as the timing and dispersive wave train at the “Deep-Ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis” (DART) buoy #21418 located 600 km off the coast .
A second tsunami source off Sanriku was also suggested by Fujii et al. (2011, p. 819), on the basis of their tsunami inversion, and Satake et al. (2013) noted an ∼ 100 km latitude offset between the locations of the largest fault slip and the maximum coastal tsunami height. Ichihara et al. (2013) reported an electromagnetic signal that they interpreted as evidence for a secondary tsunami source near the trench axis located well to the north of the GCMT centroid, initiating about 1 min after the earthquake's origin time.
Regarding the likelihood of earthquake-triggered SMFs, marine surveys at the latitude of the earthquake epicenter (~ 38° N) reveal recent seabed movement (Fujiwara et al., 2011); and Kawamura et al., 2012, Kawamura et al., 2014 proposed that this is evidence for a major landslide triggered by the Tohoku earthquake (area approximately delimited by the dashed white curve in and white ellipse in that could be an additional tsunami source.
The region off Sanriku is where the catastrophic Great Meiji tsunami of 1896 was generated, the source mechanism of which has been a matter of considerable speculation. The relatively small magnitude of the 1896 earthquake suggests that the tsunami was generated either by a ‘slow’ event (Kanamori, 1972) or by rapid uplift of the sediment wedge (Tanioka and Seno, 2001); alternatively it could have been due to a submarine landslide (Kanamori and Kikuchi, 1993).

The rise of Tsunami through a single particular point cannot even become a wave but it started through a small area which is impossible and can only be controlled by Americans using deep sea submarines and Using sea gauges .
Travel paths (solid and dashed yellow lines) computed taking bathymetry into account, based on linear (dispersive) wave phase velocity (GPS #4–6) or group velocity (DART #21418; D), for the higher-frequency leading elevation wave, with period T = 4 min, observed at the buoys (time series shown in Fig. 2d–f,j—black line).
The proposed SMF tsunami source is outlined in red; the region of slumping observed in earlier field surveys (Kawamura et al., 2012) is outlined in white (dashed). Computed travel times are: (GPS #4) North Iwate: 33.1 min; (GPS #5) Central Iwate: 25.7 min; (GPS #6) South Iwate: 25.3 min; DART #21418: 37.6 min.
Note that a 198 s triggering delay was assumed from the start of the earthquake (equal to the end of the SMF motion—see Section 7). Color scale is bathymetry/topography in km from ETOPO-1 data.
And If the Americas are again attacking Japan without letting them know , they have already nuked the Hiroshima and Nagasaki .