The Horror of David Koresh’s Cult
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David Koresh was originally born with the name ‘Vernon Wayne Howell’. He himself believed he was the last prophet to the Branch Davidians Movement. The Davidians Movement was founded by Ben Roden and his place of worship was near Waco, TX. His wife Lois Roden became the leader of the church following Ben Roden’s Death.
Koresh being in his late 20s had rumors that David Koresh had relations with Lois Roden despite being 30 years older than Koresh. It was also claimed that Koresh impregnated Lois and then claimed that it was God’s will to have the child with Lois Roden.
This later caused problems between Lois son George Roden and David Koresh.
Tensions Rise Within The Cult
George Roden grew tense with Koresh and forced him and followers off Mount Carmel while pointing a gun at them.
Roden then challenged Koresh to a contest with the rules being that whoever could raise the dead would be the leader of the Branch Davidians Movement. There were bodies mysteriously vanishing from the boxes and churches and no traces who stole the bodies till the investigators started noticing footprints coming out of graves as if Bodies stood up and started walking

George Roden was later arrested when during the contest when he exhumed a body to be used for the Occult and Magic recoveries .
David Koresh tipped the police and this lead to Koresh’s eventual leadership of the movement.
David Koresh had leadership for 3 years and during those three years within the movement, he would often encourage sex with underage girls and he would also have sex with his underage wife and her sister offering them a Peaceful eternal life , Some of the Girls did reached Eternal life , If you know what we mean ;(
Waco Siege Results
February 28, 1993, Koresh’s facility was raid after reports of him abusing underage children along with the fact that he was stocking up various Occult weapons and Black magic banned projects exported from Russia and Norway
The facility was put on lockdown and a standby was placed for 51 days. At least 21 children were rescued from the compound and the Remaining rescued books and project files were Burned or either made classified and were not allowed to public as the matter of National security.

February 28, 1993, Koresh’s facility was raid after reports of him abusing underage children .The facility was put on lockdown and a standby was placed for 51 days. At least 21 children were rescued from the compound.
After the shocking revelation, The Attorney General Janet Reno approved the FBI’s request to launch an assault on the building.
And on April 19, the FBI attacked the building with tear gas and grenades.
A few hours into the siege and random fires spread throughout the compound and dead bodies were discovered with missing hairs and Nails as if they were ripped off , Later it was discovered that the victims were forced to eat dead Nails to spread Satanism and as a Ritual sacrifice !



Revels the Hidden story of UFO they have been Hiding from the Public and Milatry

When Dozens of Korean War GIs Claimed a UFO Made Them Sick
Theories range from high-tech Soviet death rays to extraterrestrials studying human combat to combat-stress-induced hallucinations.


Government hides the body and throws it back in Ocean , but WHY