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The sick and twisted actions of Nazi Germany have been extensively documented. Beyond starting a war with the entire world, the Nazi Party attempted to exterminate Jews, homosexuals, the disabled and the elderly.
Some believe that as many as 250,000 senior officers in the Nazi Party, perhaps even Hitler, escaped in U-boats from Germany in the last days of the World War II. But where would they have gone? Some say they went to Argentina, protected by the sympathetic Juan Peron administration, but others believe they escaped to a secret base in Antarctica that was already developing startling and powerful new weapons. Stuff They Don't Want You To Know hosts Matt Frederick and Ben Bowlin look all the theories — and facts — in the podcast Did the Nazis Really Make UFOs?
Shortly after World War II ended, the United States mounted a huge expedition to Antarctica called Operation Highjump. It wasn't the first time the U.S. went there: As early as the 1800s, scientific teams from several countries were trying to explore, map and gain dominion over the last uninhabited continent. But the size of Operation Highjump exceeded all others; more than 4,000 U.S. personnel, plus dozens of aircraft and ships were part of the expedition led by Adm. Richard Byrd. Although the mission was intended to last six to nine months, it ended abruptly after just one.

Conspiracy theorists believe it ended because the contingent was being constantly bombarded by artillery, and the men sustained heavy casualties. Byrd was quoted in the Chilean Press saying they were met by a new enemy that "could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds," though the U.S. would not confirm his information. And what's more, several reports exist of pilots seeing UFOs — flat, disc-like aircraft that chased, but never shot at, them. They also reported balls of light that followed their planes.
The pilots called them "foo fighters," and these UFOs were supposedly able to shut down their planes' bombing capabilities. Did these UFOs come from Neuschwabenland, the secret Nazi base built in the 1930s, bragged about by German Grand Admiral Karl Dönitz in 1943? Did all the brilliant but twisted scientists involved in Nazi atrocities really hunker down in the frozen desolation of the South Pole to continue inventing new weapons, unseen by the world? Or to make contact with reptilian extraterrestrials who shared their advanced technology?
The official story from the United States regarding Operation Highjump is that only one plane crashed, killing three pilots. And it's true the Nazis did mount their own expedition to Antarctica in 1938, though they didn't take enough personnel to build much of anything, let alone a technologically advanced base capable of creating UFOs

So why were they there in 1938? And how did the U.S. Army and Navy explain those balls of light so many pilots reported seeing during Operation Highjump? Were they being chased by UFOs? Or was it just St. Elmo's fire perhaps? Listen to the entire podcast as Matt and Ben break down all the details of Nazis, UFOs, reptilian overlords and Adm. Byrd and decide for yourself if the Neuschwabenland theory really holds water ... or, um, ice.
Under harsh and unpredictable weather conditions lies the McMurdo Station, the main US research station in Antarctica. It might sound odd, but this particular US settlement became renowned after some UFO hunters discovered
what seems to be the landing or crash site of a mysterious craft that appears to be guarded by four snowy shapes, strongly resembling a battery of tanks.
A visible trail was left behind by the crashed object that is covered in snow, indicating the fact that the crash occurred sometime before the picture was taken .
The presence of the tanks reveal that the site they’re guarding has to be truly valuable, and it might be possible that the military already took over the content of the UFO when the image was captured.
After it was made public on February 15, 2012 by Valentin Degterev,
image was deliberately altered in order to mask the ground vehicles and the crashed UFO. Some people who were aware of such a consequence managed to capture a few screen shots along with videos showing how the spot looked before it got blurred, as well as its coordinates.
If you look at the following coordinates: E / S the UFO crash site appears, but apparently the craft and the tanks are missing for obvious reasons. After this case caused a stir among UFO enthusiasts, the image was deliberately altered and is now showing only a few hints of what it used to be. Fortunately, a video was released showing the spot with the UFO and its guardians, along with the coordinates which can be seen at the bottom-right of the video.

Nearby images reveal another mysterious sighting, just right of the station. Named “Saucer over Mt. Erebus, summer 1974”, the image reveals a gigantic saucer-like shape over the top of the mountain. Could this be an omen telling about the UFO phenomenon in the Antarctic region?
Antarctica is an unhospitable place for humans, vast and mostly desolate, so the hypothesis of a UFO base there doesn’t seem too far from reality. Many UFOlogists believe that Nazi Germany had a few operational bases in the Arctic during WWII, where they developed advanced propulsion technology, engine research, flying wing craft and the AS6 experimental winged aircraft.
The first US Air Force UFO investigation group realized that the advanced flying wing aeronautical designs of the Germans were similar to some UFOs described in reports. The Nazi “foo fighters”, a very unusual aerial phenomenon, were seen by both Axis and the Allies and the reports told of this flying saucers doing heavy damage to Allied aircraft using electromagnetic disruption, a technology similar to today’s electromagnetic pulse weapons (EMP).

In 1959, after investigating into this matter, Captain Edward J. Ruppelt,wrote that:
When WWII ended, the Germans had several radical types of aircraft and guided missiles under development. The majority were in the mist preliminary stages, but they were the only known craft that could even approach the performance of objects reported by UFO observers.I have seen enough of their designs and production plans to realize that if the Germans had managed to prolong the war some months longer, we would have been confronted with a set of entirely new and deadly developments in air warfare.
With an extensive background in UFO reports and secret bases, the Antarctic region might hold some secrets even today, and it’s likely that some of them are still active and ongoing. Could the images presented above reveal a failed saucer test? Is it possible that the US or Russia discovered the Nazi secrets regarding saucer-discs technology?
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