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The Nazi Bell: Could be a Proof of a Nazi Secret Space Program?
A TOP - SECRET technology developed by the Nazis in the closing stages of World War Two granted Hitler’s forces the capacity to covertly travel into space, it has been claimed
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For decades there have been scattered rumors of “Die Glocke,” meaning the bell, a space-going, UFO-like saucer craft developed by WWII Nazis. Mounting evidence is now confirming that Nazi-era Germans developed advanced technologies that allowed them to make covert missions off-earth.
Newly surfaced documents and personal interviews confirm a secret Nazi space program. It is reported that Nazi technology allowed the Germans to travel beyond Earth using a design called the “Nazi Bell,” a.k.a. Die Glocke. At the heart of the German space program, the Nazi Bell may have played a role in the development of earth-based UFO technology.
What Was the Nazi Bell?
Those who claim the Nazis visited the moon, Mars and possibly the Aldebaran solar system, often speak of evidence of the “Bell.” This craft had an unknown energy source that was capable of powering sustained flight beyond earth’s orbit.
Although this energy technology was unknown to the rest of the world, it was a central component of Germany’s secret space program that began more than a century before.
Persistent rumors that the Nazis used the Bell as the focal point for during Germany’s reunification period (known as “Wiedervereinigung”) abound. Many referred to the Bell as “wunderwaffe,” translating to “wonder weapon” in English.
With its wide bottom and relatively narrower top – similar in profile to a church bell – the Bell got its name due to its shape.

Witnesses say that the bell craft was 12 to 15 ft. high and roughly 12 ft. wide. Those who claim to have knowledge of the Bell say it was fabricated with very hard and heavy metal, along with a lighter metal referred to as “Leichtmetall.” These witnesses say that the designers of the bell also used beryllium peroxide and thorium peroxide.
What Did the Nazi Bell Do?
The bell was said to have an effect zone stretching between 490 and 660 ft. around the craft. Some claim that unexplainable things occurred within this zone, such as the formation of crystals within animal tissue, the decomposition of plant matter into a greasy substance, and the gelling and separation of blood.
The Bell flying saucer was said to be powered by a liquid fuel known as “Serum 525,” or “Xerum 525.” Insider describe the fuel as cherry red, velvet or maroon in color, with a viscous, dense and gooey texture. Some, including author Henry Stevens, claim this liquid was actually red mercury.
This serum 525 was placed in large, counter-rotating cylinders that spun at high speeds. The rapid spinning, combined with the highly charged electrostatic tube, created anti-gravity propulsion that powered spaceships to considerable heights and rates of travel.
Historians with a penchant for conspiracy theories claim the German flying Bell was housed in a facility referred to as “Der Riese,” or “The Giant” in English. Der Riese was located near the Wenceslaus mine, within driving distance of the Czech border.
After the close of World War II, many Nazis were tried at war crime tribunals for crimes against humanity and violations of human rights. One defendant was Jakob Sporrenberg, a former Nazi SS Obergruppenfuhrer, one of the highest commissioned Nazi SS ranks.
A Polish war crimes court tried Sporrenberg for the murder of 60 German engineers, scientists, and technicians. In his court affidavit, Sporrenberg gave details of the Nazi Bell project, calling it “Die Glocke.” Describing the secrecy surrounding the Bell, Sporrenberg admitted that the scientists and engineers were murdered to prevent them from disclosing any details of the technology with those outside the program to the outside world.
According to Sporrenberg’s affidavit, the Bell was a highly advanced technology that produced a hissing, or buzzing sound when operational. He noted that because of the sound, his fellow Germans referred to the Bell as “Der Bienenstock,” the German word for “beehive.”
But evidence of the existence of the Nazi Bell does not end with Sporrenberg. Many conspiracy theorists point to the paintings of the late 19th-century artist, Charles A. A. Dellschau, as additional evidence of the Bell’s earlier existence.
Dellschau’s images of the anti-gravity Bell might be an indication that German engineers had knowledge of the Bell long before it was actually deployed during World War II. Some even claim that Dellschau’s Bell paintings are evidence that he was in contact with hyper-intelligent extraterrestrials with a pro-Nazi agenda.
Dellschau painted highly detailed images of the craft prior to the Nazis’ Bell project. The artist was a member of the cryptic “German Sonora Aero Club Collective,” a group that constructed exploratory aircraft designs. Dellschau’s craft was identical to what would soon be dubbed “Die Glocke,” a.k.a the German Bell.
If Dellschau had completed only one painting, it easily could be shrugged off as a coincidence. However, he painted hundreds of craft that look strikingly similar to the Bell.

Those who believe in the Nazi Bell technology often point to the writings of several authors, including:
Witkowski is a contemporary Polish author, editor and military journalist. In 2003 he published his book “Prawda o Wunderwaffe,” which translates to “The Truth About the Wonder Weapon.” The book includes a detailed description of the Bell craft. Witkowski’s book was eventually reprinted in Germany under the title, “Die Wahrheit über die Wunderwaffe.”
In his text, Witkowski refers to the futuristic German UFO technology as the “Nazi Bell.” He reports that he first discovered evidence of the Bell in 1997 while poring over classified transcripts from Sporrenberg’s Polish War Crimes Court testimony.
Witkowski says he also received the documents from an unnamed individual who had worked within Poland’s intelligence community. He adds that unfortunately, he was not permitted to make copies of the records, and could only transcribe their content.Witkowski also claims that five of the seven early Bell project engineers perished during testing. He writes that the Bell’s test rig ruins can be found in a concrete structure at a Wenceslas mine located about two miles from the Complex Sokolec subterranean Project Riese works in Poland. According to Witkowski, the Bell was eventually moved to a South American country governed by a group of Nazi sympathizers
.NICK COOKNick Cook was a military journalist and author. Expanding on Witkowski’s writings about the Nazi Bell, Cook providing his own opinions and research in his book, “The Hunt for Zero Point.” Cook believes the Bell was eventually transported to the United States as per an agreement between SS General Hans Kammler and American officials.
HENRY STEVENSIn his 2007 book, “Hitler’s Suppressed and Still-Secret Weapons, Science and Technology,” Henry Stevens writes that the violet-hued fuel used to power the Bell was red mercury, as conventional mercury does not contain fluid compounds. Stevens also tells a story of a German scientist, Otto Cerny, who told a teenaged Greg Rowe about special Third Reich technology that utilized a concave mirror atop a device believed to be the Nazi Bell. Rowe claims Cerny told him this device was even capable of generating images from the past.A slew of other writers, including Jim Marrs and Joseph P. Farrell, have made mention of the Bell in their publications, often associating this “wunderwaffen” or “miracle weapon” with Nazi occultism, free energy, and anti-gravity research.

Many conspiracy theorists agree that the Nazis shifted the Bell’s locale to the Arctic Circle and/or South America following the execution of their top scientists.
It has been said that Nazi leaders continued their secret space program by developing UFO technologies and communicating with extraterrestrial beings through channelings in the years following World War II.
Some theorists believe that a handful of Nazi leaders traveled to the Aldebaran solar system with the Bell technology. and that extraterrestrials telepathically transferred other UFO schematics to mediums. Others believe the Nazis still have secret UFO-development bases in the Arctic that have yet to be discovered by the outside world.
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