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This is how you can cintact with Ghosts using the Ouija board , Do this next time !



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Ouija have been around for decades. While people have heard of the different terrifying stories that shroud the board, many continue to question the legitimacy if the board is doing what the different experiences say it is.

Some say that while at first it all fun and games, playing with the Ouija board is like an untamed fire that’s incredibly difficult to put out once it’s started.

Below are 20 Real Life Ouija Board Experiences That Will Keep You Up At Night.


They Invited A Spirit

As told by  Kemintiri: In ’97, I was hanging out with a three friends, Bjorn and Steven at Mike’s house. Now, Mike lived with his grandparents in an older house. He stayed in the living room and that’s where we did our activies, mostly comprising of watching movies and playing cards.


The front door was extremely rusty, so when it opened, it literally shrieked. This particular evening, we all arrived in seperate cars and went in to play some poker. After an hour, Mike brought out a Ouija board, of which most of us were very skeptical.

They were using it and had contacted a ‘spirit’, something seemingly malicious which centered on me for the duration of their contact.


They were amazed at the interaction because they weren’t “moving it”, and I in turn, taunted their little spirit friend, telling it that it sucked, probably deserved to be dead, etc. Suddenly, it spelled out F-L-A-T, then no more movement.

Unable to get another contact, we watched a movie and got ready to leave. Mike is seeing us out, and one of them notices that I had a flat tire (on a reasonably new car). Incredulous I start across the lawn to my vehicle and I fall, flat on my ass. Physically, I’m graceful; I rarely take a tumble or a fall, I have a firm sense of balance. 


But I cannot explain how I fell so roughly, directly onto my ass. To this day, that is the only flat tire I’ve ever had (I’m careful what I drive over), and that is the only tumble I’ve had on flat earth.


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“Zozo” Wouldn’t Leave Us Alone


As told by User prodigalqueer: I’ve used an Ouija board a few times, with varying results. With one group of friends, a couple of them are really into it and at least one girl definitely strikes me as a “sensitive.”


She’s also a fan of weed, which I genuinely think helps (though she doesn’t play with the board when she’s high). Using the board with her and a few others was a little wild, as they seemed to get a really good connection with her and her sister’s dead grandfather, and it was super cool to watch those interactions.

How to contact and get in contact with ZOZO the Demon , Replies easier then you think !

But then the board started to get bad and “Zozo” kept being the only one who’d speak, so we shut it down. Just last week, my best friend and I went and tried out a new board I bought on our college quad.

Old southern school that got torched in the Civil War, and sure enough we spoke to two young men who claimed to be soldiers. It may well have just been our subconscious guiding us to “see” them, but when I asked if they were Union soldiers, the planchette whipped to “no” so fast it almost made my fingers fly off, which made us laugh.


I’ve tried using it alone twice, but had absolutely no success. I may not have been in the right mindset though (probably wasn’t) and my Ouija board doesn’t really “feel right,” if that makes any sense. shrugs I’m still kind of on the fence about it, either way, but I do want to believe.

How to use Ouija board , its more easier and scarier then you think , Just remember this !

Did The Board Know My Name?


As told by Reddit User buhdumbum: I don’t believe in ghosts or anything like that but the one time I messed around with a ouija board it messed me up.


We were 12ish at a party and I was playing it with someone I didn’t really know very well. I asked the board to spell my middle name and it did it… the girl I was playing with most likely didn’t know my middle name, and wouldn’t have spelled it correctly even if she did.


It also told me I’d die when I was 28 from smoke. I smoke and I’m only 28 until October

We Brought Evil Into The House

As told by User Chillin_killin23: My mum and a group of her friends in 1998 were sitting playing a ouija board, I was only 5 years old at the time and didn’t really know what they were doing.


They had been warned that someone was going to get harmed, and they had let evil into the house, they put the game away and didnt think anything of it, we all went to sleep, and my mum and her friends obviously worried that the person who was going to be harmed were the ones who were actually playing the game.


The next day we were walking to our local swimming pool, I was hyper as hell, and I ran across the road, and to my horror a car literally came out of nowhere (the road had a blind corner / blind spot) and fucking halted and screeched it’s breaks as hard as it could to avoid hitting me.

It was literally touching my hip, my mum screamed, but I was fine…we have always put that down to the ouija board and the warning it gave us.

Ouija Board are more real then you believe , They really do react to Paranormal stuff !

My Mother Never Touched An Ouija Board After That

As told by User Amanda: I have never touched a Ouija board because of various paranormal experiences that took place, especially when I was younger. These experiences instilled a real fear in me from ever attempting to play with a Ouija board.


My mother has a story from when she was younger that she has asked to put up here though. She said this took place when she was 13 or 14 at her best friends house in the late 70’s. Her best friends parents were out and a few children from around the neighborhood came to play as well.


They went through the ritual of lighting candles and turning off the lights to make it creepy and to give the younger siblings of my mums best friend a scare. She doesn’t want to go into detail about what they were asking the board, but she said that all of the predictions came true, including the date that her best friends dad died.


She said that halfway through playing a mirror fell of the wall and shattered, which scared them so much they decided to stop. She has always told me that after they played with the Ouija board she suffered from night terrors for years and swears she was followed ‘by something’s for a long time and could never sleep with the light off, or otherwise she would be touched ‘by something’.


Ouija board are more scarier then you think , Never forget this !
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All of this happened to her even though she wasn’t the owner and the incident did not take place in her house. Now, my mums best friend is actually my God Mother and I have talked to her about it and she has confirmed on multiple occasions that everything was true.


She told me she even burned the board in an attempt to make things better but to this day (40+) years later she will still occasionally feel like something is watching/following her.


Its really serious stuff and I 100% believe my mum and her friend. They have been telling me this story since I was 8 years old and it’s never changed. What reason would they have to lie?


It Kept Spelling My Name Over And Over


As told by User CaptJackAS: My friend had one in college. I played with it once and it scared me because it only wanted to talk to me. It was a spirit called “Abel” but I don’t remember much more after that. I refused to play one night but my friends went ahead with it.


After that night we had some strange things happen.  I had a touch lamp that would come on by itself over and over. I finally unplugged it and took out the bulbs.  Also, on Halloween my brake lights on my car came on and wouldn’t go off. It drained my battery! We finally moved and nothing else happened.

My After Smelled Horrible After


As told by User id10t_pen15: When I was 8, my two older sisters and one of their friends had a pamphlet from a church (Methodist?) that mentioned the ouija board. They stupidly made one up with cardboard and red nail polish, well, they attempted.


I ratted them out to my parents while they were still painting the letters in because it seemed off to me. Both my parents don’t know what a ouija board is but when they saw it, a huge ass whoopin commenced. The friend got dismissed and told not to come back. They both got a belt beating they still haven’t forgotten.


My dad burned the cardboard that night and I was with him since fire is fun. The odd thing is that for a piece of cardboard (12 x 12) it burned at least 5 feet in the air in the bbq pit. There was a cornfield behind my house growing up and a weird growling noise came from the field and I asked my dad what that noise was.


He said it probably was a dog and literally kicked me to go back in the house. This was during the summer. Then October came and I remember that night clear as day. We all went trick or treating and when we drove up into the drive way, my mom asked my dad why didn’t he turn all the lights off.

He said he did so that people would know not to come asking for candy. Every light in the house was turned on. As soon as we all step foot into the house, the entire place smelled of rotting meat. We didn’t even get a chance to take our shoes off before my dad said hey lets go get more candy.


Everyone got back into the car except him. He swept the house and left the lights on but when we got back, the smell was gone. We asked later in life what that was all about and all he said to us was that as kids, we wouldn’t understand or would be too scared to know what lurks at night.

Ouija boards are more real and scarier then you think , And never forget the following fac

Dark Shadow Was Grinning At Him


My step dad is the kind of man that doesnt lie, ever. Which is why i believe his his story about a Ouija board experience he had when he was younger. He said he had friends over and had a Ouija board and they wanted to play. After a bit of playing around, they made contact with a……being that said it was a demon.


His friends were asking it questions but he said the thing pinpointed him. It told my step dad it would visit him again later after midnight. Thoroughly freaked, they put theboard away. 


My step dad fell asleep and with dead seriousness, said he was woken right after 12 by it. Now the demin had told them uts name by my step dad refused to tell me, he was genuinely afraid.



Anyway he said this thing woke him, it was sitting at the end of his bed, grinning. He said it was small and evil as **** looking, just grinning at him. The thing told him his first child would die and it left. My step dad said afterwards that he tried to get rid of the board, he first threw it out with the trash. But it didnt work.

He said a few days later, a little black boy that he had never seen in the neighborhood, showed up at his door with the board. He handed it to my step dad and said this is yours and left. So now super freaked, my step dad tried to burn it, but it wouldnt catch fire, the fire kept dieing no matter what he did.

So then he dug a very deep hole, put the board in it, placed a bible on top and buried it. Hes not seen the board since. As far as what the demon predicted, it came true. His first wife miscarried at 3 months.I whole heartedly believe my step dads story, and its why i never got a board or messed with one plus they are very banned in my parents home.

I Found An Ouija Board And Moved On It’s Own


As told by User mtempissmith: When I was about 16 I found an old school ouija at a thrift store. It was made of real wood not paper like they are now. It was thin but still wood, balsa I think. I was intrigued with it so I took it home.

Me and a gal pal were playing with it but nothing was happening so we just gave it up left it on the bed and went out for snacks. There was no window open, no random draft, no AC on at the time, no fan, nothing that could have caused it but when we came back with snacks and pop that board was working on it’s own.


The planchette was traveling all over the board and the word it was spelling out was foul. For a minute we just stood there and watched it spelling out that word, several times, then my friend she scooped it up and broke it. We then covered it with salt and got rid of it in a safe place.

Never use the Ouija board before knowing these things , And also this might posses you !

I still don’t believe ouija boards are evil in and of themselves but that one I think might have had a questionable past history and we likely opened the door to something negative happening to us too maybe by using it.


I do believe that in the hands of someone who may be gifted in a psychic way that ouija might be dangerous. It’s the same with channeling, automatic writing, seances. Ultimately it’s just a game, but you’re still opening a door. You just don’t know who might answer if you knock so it’s probably best not to.


That incident it’s one of the reasons I do somewhat believe in paranormal stuff. It wasn’t the first likely paranormal incident in my life, and it wouldn’t be the last but it was one of the few times I’ve ever been genuinely frightened by it.

Something was moving that planchette and using it to spell something very foul, and it definitely wasn’t us. We were not touching it at all. I actually have a paper one now that I use as a back display for some collectible dolls I have that are spooky, but there is no planchette and it’s never been used as a ouija and it never will be.


Not in my house. Some kids in my family asked me once if they could try it. I was like “Uh no.” and I told them why. They haven’t been nearly so curious since. 

Encounter With “Zozo”

As told by Clever Phil: First time I used one was last semester at 3 am. Forgot exactly when it was, probably early October. A group of friends of mine were using it in the lobby of my dorm and one friend, we’ll call him “A,” has a best friend back home who is extremely sensitive.

She is constantly bombarded by spirits asking to lead them to Heaven and demons demanding her to set them free in the world. I was skeptical for a long time and they said they keep getting a demon named “Zozo” and nothing changed when I started. For a long time it was just “What is your name?” moves to Z “is this Zozo?” yes“Goodbye”.

I was freezing the whole time, everyone else was fine. At one point, A decided that he would humor the demon. He asked if said demon was making me cold and it said yes, so I asked if I should stop. He said yes, so I removed my hand. After a while, A asked why he keeps communicating with us, and he names A’s friend.

A says “I won’t let you do that.” To which the demon replied over and over we will win we will win we will win so we close it out and I promptly go to the university chapel and use holy water.


It was an interesting experience but I think of that demon from time to time, and I can’t help but feel like he wanted something from me that night.

The Father Blesses The Ouija Board


Last summer I stayed for a couple of weeks in parish with a priest who had a case that involved a ouija board. A young man came into his office a few months before we talked and told Father “x” that he had been to three other churches and they had turned him down or didn’t believe him, so he was went to the catholic guy.


His grandmother had gotten him a ouija board about a year ago. He began playing with and got into contact with “something.” He began to feel the urge to use the board more and more. It got to the point that if he wasn’t using it multiple times a day he would begin to become extremely ill, like loss of physical strength to do anything except grab the board.

It was at its worst when he began seeking help with churches, primarily because his parents didn’t believe him. Father “x” went to his house, trying to explain to the parents that the supernatural is in fact real and there is proof in what is happening to their son.

Father Blesses The Ouija Board returns mysteriously after being burned , and also !

After a half hour he convinced them to allow him to bless the home and take the ouija board. When he got back to the parish he attempted to burn the board. However, it simply wouldn’t burn. This is even after pouring gas on it. He then tried to tear the board up, but couldn’t even make a scratch on it.


All of this disturbed him because it was cheap board, like something you buy at a toy store. In the end he ended up saying a minor exorcism, blessing the board and then tried to burn it. He said it went up in a matter of seconds.

Anybody who thinks these boards are just games are grossly mistaken. Personally it seems to be too much of a risk. The grave dangers far outweigh any perceived benefit.

Playing In a Cemetery


As told by kaihopara: Some of my friends and I brought a Ouija board to a pioneer cemetery in the country and were able to contact one of the women buried there. Normally I would have suspected that one of my friends was moving the planchette, but here’s what happened:

This particular cemetery is out in the cuts, so there was no lighting, and the moon was not full enough to illuminate anything – our flashlights were our only source of light. We walk through the cemetery, set up the board in a clearing and start asking questions. At first it does nothing, but soon starts to move and we get a name: Eliza.


I’m still very skeptical and am wondering which one of these jokers is moving the planchette. Someone asks how old she was when she dies, the Ouija board says 54. We ask if she wants us to stay. She says yes.


One of my friends starts shining his flashlight on the gravestones around us, none of which anyone has looked at, which I know because in order to read them properly one would have to shine a light directly on the gravestone. One of the stones closest to us reads Eliza Taylor, 1862-1916. Needless to say, we freak the fuck out and hightail it out of there.

Never visit Cemetery at night , You might see shadows , And also remember this !

A few days later, I google the cemetery and find that some people have reported seeing some lady in a period dress beckoning them over to the grave of the woman who we think contacted us. Fucking creepy.


Terrifying Experience With My Friends And The Ouija Board


As told by Reddit User roosterculhane: In high school a couple friends, my friends mom and myself were talking about a local building being haunted (soil conditioners that sells dirt, bark, and other landscaping goods. Rumored to be the location of a murder years before).


The mom worked there so we decided to break out the board and give it a shot. I had never used one before so I was skeptical from the jump. The place is essentially a large warehouse with tall metal racks (think Costco or home depot) stacked with bags of dirt, manure, bark and other things like large ceramic flower pots.


The board was glow in the dark so we kept all the lights off. Once we got going it started moving around and I was freaking out already. We asked if something was there to let us know and there was a loud bang that seemed to come from the rafters on the other side of the warehouse.

Every question that followed was met with a similar bang from a various location in the warehouse (sometimes close and sometimes far). The last question asked was if it meant us harm and the thingy already on the ‘no’ answer did not move.

Never use Ouija Board alone , and never these following key Points , this might happen to

The question was repeated and immediately followed by the closest noise yet (seemed right on top of us) so we decided to skee fucking dadle. As we were rushing out we flipped on our flashlights and saw one or two large pots fall from the racks and heard what we would later find to be 40lb bags of bark dropping to the ground.

There was also a slow/low grinding noise that when my friends returned the next day was a sledgehammer that had been dragged through the dirt covered cement floor standing straight up in the air with drag marks but no footprints near.


Hiking Trail And The Ouija Board


User throwaway636353: This story is going to make me sound crazy, but here goes. Before this incident I had never used a ouija board in my life. Growing up.

 I had an aunt who would dabble with ouija boards and the paranormal, and my mother always advised me to never touch one.

One day, my partner decided it would be fun to buy a ouija board and use it with a few friends. I wouldn’t say we were complete skeptics, but I don’t think any of us were really expecting anything wild to happen.


We went on the Internet and looked up how to safely use one, and plan out what kind of questions we should ask. So, we run to Toys R Us and pick up a Hasbro ouija board. We didn’t really want to use it at our house, so we gathered up a couple friends and I drove to a state park a few towns over.

We start to head up the hiking trail and find a good spot to lay the board down. We begin going through the motions of asking if there was a spirit who would like to communicate, etc etc. The planchette moved with ease. It’s a really strange, powerful feeling when it glides across the board.

The planchette it came with was a thick hunk of plastic, and there was quite a bit of friction when trying to intentionally move it on the board. We were a bit stunned that the damn thing was working. We asked the spirit if it was a good spirit. Of course, the planchette moved over to no.

We then asked if it wanted to harm us. Planchette moves over to yes. My partner asked how it would go about doing this. The board began to spell out E-N-G-I-N-E. We see a group of hikers coming up in our general direction, and we carelessly put the board away without properly saying goodbye.


We hike back down to another secluded area, and decide to try again. This time, we come into contact with a spirit who claims to be a six year old boy who died sometime in the 1800s. Seemed nice at first, until he told our friend he wanted him to die so he would have someone to play with.

We decide to ask the board questions only we would know the answers to. Each person asking the question took their hands off the planchette, to be certain. The board got every damn question correct, and that’s when I started to feel a bit uneasy.

I honestly couldn’t believe it. The board then proceeded to spell out my name, throwaway636353. I was confused as to what that meant. Soon after, it began to rain so we told the board that we had to go, and asked it to help us bring the planchette down to GOODBYE. It complied.


We all begin walking back to my car, when I notice this woman sitting in an SUV next to mine, watching us. Her gaze never really left, and it kind of rubbed me the wrong way. We all get in my car and I go to start it, and the engine doesn’t turn over.

It was almost as if the battery was dead, but my accessories still worked. I begin to shit bricks. I hadn’t had my car for very long and it never gave me trouble. It seemed like way too big of a coincidence. I look over at that woman and put my window down and ask her if she has jumper cables.

Never .sleep alone after doing these 5 things , Might happens to you too , Parents get pos

She reaches behind her and pulls them out, as if she had them ready. We get out of my car and hook them up, when my partner’s friend’s phone rings from a number he doesn’t recognize. He picks it up and it was someone just asking if we were okay. He chalked it up to the fact that a drug dealer previously had the number, so he got a lot of unknown calls.




We start chatting with this woman and thank her for letting us use the jumper cables. Turns out, she has the same name as me. Which the board had previously spelled out; perhaps a warning? She tells us that she works as an ultrasound technician at a local hospital and has cancer and young children.

We ask her what she was doing in the parking lot, to which she explained she was waiting for her weed dealer. Medical marijuana is legal in my state, so I was a bit perplexed but didn’t think anything of it. I was just grateful she was helping us.

I go to try and start the car and it still doesn’t work. It just kind of rolls for a few feet in the parking lot before shutting off. At this point it’s getting dark and I begin to come to terms with the fact that I’ll have to call a tow truck. Our friends ended up getting picked up, and my partner stayed with me as we waited for the tow truck to arrive.


We told the woman she could leave, since she was still weirdly waiting with us. She offered for us to sit in her car while we wait, because it was raining again. I asked her if she could pop the trunk so I could sit on the ledge, but she told me the trunk didn’t open.

So, stupidly, I get in her car with my partner. The weird woman made a joke about disabling her child safety locks in the back, so I won’t think she’s “trying to keep us here”. That rubbed me the wrong way. She starts telling me that maybe I should just leave my car there, and offered to give us a ride home.


I politely decline. Then, she tells me that she has a friend whose husband works for VW, and he could surely fix my car for a good price. She calls up her friend, and because we were in the car, it was quiet enough that my partner and I could faintly hear the other line.

She explains the car problem and asks how much it would be to fix it. We hear on the other line the person ask if I am a boy or girl. The woman says girl, and the man on the line simply said, “Good.” Nope.


We get out of the car and tell her the tow truck should be there soon and thanks for her help. We gave her the ouija board and told her she could keep it because we didn’t want it anymore. I still wonder what she did with it.

She kept trying to get me to give her my phone number, and kept saying she would come with me to “get my car fixed” from her friend. Eventually, she fucked off. We ended up getting back home late. Told the A guy how we were fucking around with a ouija board and met the weird lady afterwards. He said he wouldn’t have picked us up if he had known that.


The next day, my partner opened his texts that he sent out when we were waiting for the tow. In a conversation with his mother, the text box had “yes satan yes” written out. The message wasn’t sent, but he sure as hell didn’t write that.


The next day I called the hospital to see if that woman even worked there, like she had claimed. Nope. They transferred me to two different floors, and their was no ultrasound technician working there with my name.

To this day, I still don’t know how to explain what happened that night. And I’m sure as hell never using a ouija board again. Also, the dealer the woman claimed to be waiting for never even showed up. So, what she was doing that night, and what her intentions were, I’ll never know.

The most Haunted House in the World , People claim hearing women crying and walking in the

The House Began To Rock Intensely


As told by MillieBirdie: My mom has a story of how she came home one day when her family lived in a mobile home, and her younger sisters had been playing with one.


The house started rocking and she thought they were jumping on the bed, so she went into their room to yell at them and found them both pinned against opposite sides of the wall with the board in the middle of the room, all the while the trailer shook.

Ever since then, no matter where my aunt lives, she talks about weird things happening, like being pushed off the bed while she’s sleeping, things moving around, general spooky stuff. For a while she worked as a caretaker for an elderly man with downs, who lived with his nephew in a large, old house.


She says that one time she was mad at her boss so she went into the kitchen and cursed him out under her breath and was slapped across the face. My parents say they have footage of stuff from that house (voices, shadows, etc) but I haven’t seen any of it.


My Friend’s Father Was Talking To Us


As told by Bob_Stewer: Late to the party, drats! I have an actual story. My two friends and I tried a ouija board about 15 years ago in front of a bunch of people. We tried to contact my deceased grandfather. It did not work.


The pointer started to move and said it was my one friend’s father (the one girl that was doing the board with us) who was deceased before any of us met her. She let go of the pointer so it was just my friend and I manning the board. To verify we asked his middle name. Got it.

Asked his birthday. Got the month, day and year correct. To this day when I see my one friend I ask him how he knew all that information about the father. And to this day, he says he didn’t know the information as he never met the deceased father and it wasn’t staged. I know I didn’t know that information.

We asked what he (the father) wanted to say and he just spelled out love and then the infinity motion over and over. We called it quits when the girl started crying profusely and she threw the board away.


A week later, I saw my grandfather’s face in a dream. He was shaky from the stroke he had before he died as he was in my last memories of him. I just looked at him. He slowly raised his head and we made eye contact. I said “I tried to contact you”. He stopped shaking, leveled his face, leaned forward and said, “I know, we let the other guy go”. Then I woke up.


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