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More than 50 Planes and 70 Ships Mysteriously Disappeared without leaving any Trace or any Debris

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Vanished without a trace: Inside the  Bermuda Triangle

People have been trying to solve the “mystery” of the Bermuda Triangle for years. Here’s what we know

  • The Bermuda Triangle is a region of the North Atlantic Ocean (roughly) bounded by the southeastern coast of the U.S., Bermuda, and the islands of the Greater Antilles (Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, and Puerto Rico).

  • The exact boundaries of the Bermuda Triangle are not universally agreed upon. Approximations of the total area range between 500,000 and 1,510,000 square miles (1,300,000 and 3,900,000 square kilometers). By all approximations, the region has a vaguely triangular shape.


In 1881, legend has it that the Ellen Austin , a ship sailing from Liverpool

to New York, encountered a Unknown ship in the Bermuda triangle - and things went Awry.

It is an triangle mystery associated with the American white oak schooner, Ellen Austin. In 1881, the 210 feet long Ellen Austin was on her way to New York from London when she stumbled upon a derelict near the Bermuda Triangle. Everything seemed fine with the unidentified schooner drifting just north of the Sargasso Sea, but the missing crew.


Captain Baker of the Ellen Austin asked to observe the derelict for two days in order to make sure it’s not a trap. After two days with no response from the ship, the captain entered the abandoned vessel with his crew to find the well-packed  70 Barrels of Wine shipment and a Silver cup Floating in it and no sign of the crew. In order to tow it back with Ellen Austin, the captain placed a prize crew on the ship, set to sail together. However, after two days of sail on calm waters a squall separated path of the two ships following which the Mysteriously vanished in the storm.

Mysterious Ghost ships on the Edge of Bermuda triangle , This how people mysteriously disappeared

Day after the storm, vessel was visible through his spyglass only to realise the vessel was drifting far away aimlessly once again. After hours of effort, Ellen Austin could catch up the vessel. But,  Mysteriously once again the Sailors on boards were missing and the 70 Barrels of Wines and also a Silver cup , he rushed back to his ship and found that that cup was Missing too.

Submerged Atlanteans  ?'

Some speculate that unknown and mysterious forces account for the unexplained disappearances, such as extraterrestrials ; the influence of the lost continent of Atlantis; vortices that suck objects into other dimensions; and other whimsical ideas. 
Atlantis was a mid-Atlantic continent that suddenly sunk into the ocean.

The idea that Atlantis was an actual historical place, and not just a legend invented by Plato, didn’t surface until the late 19th century. In his 1882 book, “Atlantis, the Antediluvian World,” the writer Ignatius Donnelly argued the accomplishments of the ancient world (such as metallurgy, language and agriculture) must have been handed down by an earlier advanced civilization, as the ancients weren’t sophisticated enough to develop these advances on their own.

Assuming the Atlantic Ocean was only a few hundred feet deep, Donnelly described a continent flooded by shifting ocean waters that sank in the exact location Plato said it did: in the Atlantic Ocean just outside the “Pillars of Hercules,” the two rocks that mark the entrance to the Straits of Gibraltar.

Long after modern oceanography and a greater understanding of plate tectonics poked holes in his shifting-waters thesis, some continue to cling to Donnelly’s theory, mostly due to its adherence to Plato’s placement of Atlantis in the mid-Atlantic and the Atlantic was at the same exact location of Bermuda triangle. One of the more recent Atlantean theories concerns the civilization that flourished on the Greek islands of Crete and Thera (now Santorini) more than 4,000 years ago: the Minoans, named for the legendary King Minos.

Believed to be Europe’s first great civilization, the Minoans built splendid palaces, constructed paved roads and were the first Europeans to use a written language (Linear A). At the height of their power, having technologies like creating energy , Gravity propulsion and while the other humans still believed earth was flat


Scientist claims the Mysterious island Atlantis exist even today , But underwater , This is what he saw !

Atlantic almost the size of Africa mysteriously dissapeared and the land never found again .

Atlanteans are descended from both ancient human and homo magi ancestors whom suck below the ocean along with the fabled continent and evolved to survive their new environment. 

Because Atlanteans have to adapt to living at varying pressure levels, their bodies are physically much heartier than the average human being, granting them:

  • Superhuman Durability.

  • Superhuman Equilibrium.

  • Superhuman Stamina.

  • Superhuman Strength.

Google Maps: Lost city of Atlantis ‘found’ ?

Google Maps left viewers stunned as the Street View team seemingly discovered a historical gem deep in the sea bed. The website is usually a top notch go-to for locating particular routes, roads or geographical areas. Often, it will feature hilarious caught-in-the-moment images as people go about their daily lives, and, unknown to them, the team will arrive unannounced and catch them in the act. Yet new images have emerged of an abandoned spot of sea bed, which is claimed to represent the lost city of Atlantis The underwater state is said to be submerged in the Atlantic Ocean, the exact place where Google’s latest images were taken.

Mystery of the Underwater city Atlantis , Google satelite pics leak the Truth

Conspiracy theorists believe they could have finally found it, using Google Earth.
The giant structure that is believed to have been found at the bottom of the ocean and in the center of Bermuda triangle just west of Mexico in the Pacific Ocean is estimated to be between a massive 3.5 miles to 11 miles across and which is around 4 times bigger than the pyramid of the Giza . The discovery was made by Marcelo Igazusta, an Argentinian, who posted a video on YouTube . 

Speaking to the publication, alien conspiracist theorist Scott C Waring said that it is a perfect pyramid that measures over 8.5 miles across one side of its base.

Calling it a monumental discovery, he added it could be an ancient civilisation.
He added that even if it is not a UFO that landed in the ocean, it still was a monumental discovery.

“A 8.5 mile pyramid...biggest the world has ever known, and it’s right off of Mexico, near the ancient Mayan and Aztec pyramids,:” he said. and which Civilization putted it there and HOW ? is the big question which demands the Answer.

Mysterious pyramid 3 times the size of Giza , Found inside the exact centre of the Bermuda triangle , This is why its there !

And if you are very curious to know what causes Bermuda triangle making planes and ships disappear  ? You can go out there and check but don't count me in .

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