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Does the Illuminati control the world?


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First Let Us see What does the SYMBOL means ?

The Symbol of illuminati consists of a 4 sided pyramid With a eye of god on the top of it. First Talking of 4 sided pyramid ,the 4 sides of pyramid actually means  Controlling over the     

1.  DEEP SPACE     

2.  TIME 



And then Speaking of the EYE OF GOD on the top of pyramids Menas that "You are being watched and none of you can hide from ME"


What is the Illuminati?


The Origin of the Secret society of Illuminati , This is where they started from , their secret powers....

In a historical sense, the term "Illuminati" refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, a secret society that operated Secretly. This organization was Exposed by Adam Weishaupt, a German law professor who believed strongly in Enlightenment ideals, and his lluminatenorden sought to promote those ideals among elites. Weishaupt wanted to educate Illuminati members in reason, philanthropy, and other secular values so that they could influence political decisions when they came to power.

"It was pretty ambitious for six or nine guys, but they Already SECRETLY took over the world," says Chris Hodapp, the co-author of Conspiracy Theories and Secret Societies for Dummies with Alice VonKannon.

The Illuminati's goals — and reputation — often exceeded their means, Hodapp notes. In its early days, the group was just a handful of people. And even at its largest. The group grew to that size by becoming a sort of sleeper cell within other groups — Illuminati members joined Freemason lodges to recruit members for their own competing secret society.

Some Conspirancy Theorists Believe that the ILLUMINATI were the one who Builded the pyramids of GIZA with such Advance technologies which normal human couldn't even imagine of,

They builded these to Communicate with Deep space EXTRATERRESTIALS which they believed was a sucess to communicate which completed the one side of pyramid Named "DEEP SPACE" after using the pyramids 2490 B.C to 3000 B.C the empty pyramid  was filled with stones and converted into KING CHAMBER  SO NO ONE NOTICE'S WHY IT WAS BUILDED

Holy grail round table , The mysterious starting of the Illuminati , this is why they started it


Germany in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In particular, he documents the intense interest in parapsychology, New Age fantasies and so-called “border science.” Some Nazi leaders firmly believed that the Aryan race descended from the aliens who established Atlantis,



In the old beliefs the Holy Grail  is a treasure that serves as an important motif in Arthurian literature. Different traditions describe it as a cup, dish or stone with miraculous powers that provide happiness and is capable of Bending the Laws of science , which was secretly used by ILLUMINATI in 3000 B.C and was Buried and divided into pieces so that no one else could ever use it but one person was behind it - ADOLF HITLER who spent around 120 million Dollars to search it, No One perfectly Knew what they are Looking for and on the day of 25th December 1944 then found ALL THE PIECES and assembled it Just few Days before he commited Suicide or an fake Death no one knows.....and it also Gave ideas of secret projects like DIE GLOKE .There is one conspiracy converging scene of a Opening Credit in a famous MARVEL movie "CAPTAIN AMERICA : The First avenger" in which Hitler goes and takes The Tesseract which was a Tool of god and it was Shooted on the SAME date when the Hitler found the weapon and Asembeled it.


  ( The Powefull Time )
The Third Side of the pyramid

There are no proofs that they Took over Time but its a great belief that They were capable of Travelling through the Time but If they didn't Controlled it the one side of Pyramid would be incomplete But there is a theory that they are in Future and they are controlling the Weather of the Past and also the the Smart chips Injected in Thalamus part of the Brain in the First Female Human and so on Copied and divided into Offspring so that they could Get Every human Brain's data and No one could find them . Although I would like to Repeat There is no Proof of the Third Side of this pyramid this was just a Theory .

Why do we have Illuinati sign on 1 dollar , this is why , Truth exposed by Ex militant

( The Humans )

Later on, some of the Founding Fathers managed to stoke interest in the Illuminati in the United States. In 1798, George Washington wrote a letter addressing the Illuminati threat (he believed it had been avoided, but his mentioning it helped bolster the myth). In the panic caused by the anti-Illuminati books and sermons, Thomas Jefferson was (baselessly) accused of being a member of the group.


Nostradamus was French astrologer who is best known for his book Les Prophéties, a collection of 942 poetic quatrains allegedly predicting future events. The book was first published in 1555 and has rarely been out of print since his death.His One of the Great Predictions were the Sinking of TITANIC , Attack of the 9/11 And he also Predicted the World would End in 2012 which he Indirectly Meant a Secret World Society will Take over us and we won't even notice and obviously He wasn't Only one to Predict that.


And there is Also Another Fact that if you Type ILLUMINATI Backwards and add .com  a site on National security Agency opens.
Whether you believe in the Illuminati or not, you cannot deny that it is one of the most popular conspiracies out there currently. The problem with this belief is that it reifies stereotypical beliefs of Jews controlling the world, and it creates a sense of fear and panic in society to propose that we will all be controlled in an authoritarian government some day.


The psychological explanations for the belief system, including confirmation bias, logic errors, stereotype heuristics, and herd mentality help to create a more holistic view of this conspiracy theory. By understanding why people have this belief and how it is maintained psychologically, we can attempt to educate the world to think more critically about unverified conspiracy theories, as well as analyze the world around us in a more scientific way.

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There are many different forms of evidence that people use to justify the existence of the Illuminati but I Won't make this Article Longer.

If they do still exist, you already know too much and I have only Introduced the Label not the FACTS...........

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